Modern pigs have been intensively bred for superior performance in terms of growth and feed efficiency. In the meantime, they face various challenges, like environmental and sanitary stress. The solution to secure top performances? Increase pigs’ resilience. This involves working on a holistic approach that involves focusing on different areas: ensuring the safety of their feed, coping with environmental challenges, and optimizing their gut function. This article is about boosting pigs’ natural immunity by strengthening the immune barrier of the gut.
Piglet phase is a crucial phase in today’s swine industry. Indeed, young animals are expected to deliver exceptional performance despite facing a variety of challenges from birth. These include stress from handling or weaning, high stocking densities, genetic changes, and continuously evolving pathogens. The recent ban on AGPs in many countries and stricter regulations on the use of antibiotics, copper and zinc have only exacerbated these challenges. Pathogens such as E. coli, Clostridium and viruses frequently lead to diarrhoea, aggressive behaviour or respiratory diseases and impair piglet growth. This not only negatively impacts animal welfare and health and farmer job satisfaction but also takes a toll on profitability.