The quality of feed is important in animal production. However, for fish and shrimp farmers, feed quality is a particularly critical and complex issue. Physical quality parameters such as pellet dimensions and shape, water stability, durability, density, fines formation during transport, and color may significantly affect the efficiency of an aquafeed. Optimizing feed quality involves finetuning the feed formulation and processing conditions, and often requires the use of an appropriate pellet binder. Furthermore, selecting a suitable feed preservation program, preventing oxidative damage and microbial spoilage, is crucial to maintain the nutritional specifications of the feed throughout processing and subsequent transport and storage under farm conditions. Mycotoxin risks in aquafeeds depend on the raw materials choice and the species sensitivity, and can be mitigated through the selection of the appropriate mycotoxin inactivation program. Our specialized support teams on Aqua Nutrition are available to advice on the optimization of your feed quality through ingredient choice and processing conditions.