
Green hydrogen: Cashemir, an industrial innovation project to decarbonise the process

Reducing the carbon footprint of methionine production

As part of its responsible and sustainable approach, ADISSEO in partnership with ENGIE Solutions is leading the CASHEMIR (Conversion of Adisseo to Hydrogen for Industrial Methionine) project which aims to reduce the carbon footprint of the production of methionine, an amino acid essential for animal nutrition.

This industrial innovation is based on the production and use of green hydrogen and could see the light of day in 2022 at ADISSEO’s Roches-Roussillon site in Saint Clair du Rhône (38).

Innovations :

  • Industrial process with hydrogen
  • Contractual model
  • Renewable electricity supply (Green PPA)
  • Blockchain technology certification


To meet the growing demand for food, ADISSEO is determined to develop its industrial methionine production units while reducing its environmental impact.

The CASHEMIR project, through the construction of a green hydrogen production unit supplying the production lines, could enable ADISSEO to meet its productivity needs while complying with Europe’s Green Deal objectives [1].


The production of green hydrogen could be effective on site through the installation of an electrolyser capable of producing up to 2,000 tons of green hydrogen per year. This process uses water as a raw material to produce hydrogen using an electric current of renewable origin, obtained under a supply contract that guarantees provision from identified sites (“Corporate Green Power Purchase Agreement”).

Within this project, ENGIE Solutions is expected to leverage its expertise in energy supply, installation, financing and operation of the electrolyser.


    2000 TONS / YEAR

    of green hydrogen


    339 000

    tons of CO2 equivalent avoided over 10 years, i.e. a 67% reduction



    GWh of renewable electricity over 10 years

Jean Marc Dublanc
CEO Adisseo

Developing our activities in a world that is more respectful of nature and of the environment 

As a major chemistry player at the heart of the food chain, our goal is to contribute to providing the planet with healthy, sustainable, affordable and quality food. We are investing to continue to develop our activities in a world that is more respectful of nature and of the environment. This project is a perfect illustration of this.

A project supported by many public players 

After an initial approach carried out in conjunction with local partners, which was awarded the “Territoire Hydrogène [2]” label as part of the Nouvelle France Industrielle programme in 2016, the project was also selected by the French government and ADEME as part of the “Production and supply of decarbonated hydrogen for industrial consumers” call for projects.


A project labelled “major” by AXELERA

The AXELERA Chemistry-Environment Competitiveness Centre has also expressed its support for the initiative by labelling it a “major project”.

Today, the project is a candidate for funding from the European Innovation Fund, which would help it go ahead and benefit the chemical sector in the Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region.



[1] The European Green Deal is a set of political initiatives proposed by the European Commission with the overarching goal of making Europe carbon neutral by 2050.

[2] Call for proposals launched by Nouvelle France Industrielle, which aimed to endorse large-scale demonstrator projects using hydrogen for energy in regional France.