With the use of Net Energy values in feed formulation, up to 30% energy can be saved in poultry diets.
Weaning is a stressful period during swine production, which can render piglets susceptible to physiological and pathological imbalances of the gastro-intestinal functionality and can lead to post-weaning diarrhea (PWD).
A relatively new approach in piglet nutrition is to see what role sow diets can play in getting the young ones to eat faster.
Feed intake during lactation is critical to ensure the sow is able to satisfy the nutritional needs of her growing litter whilst maintaining body condition.
World population is expected to grow by over a third, reaching over nine billion people in 2050, with the main consequence being that the world will have to produce 70% more food.
Weaning is a known stressful event for piglets. They face dietary, social and environmental changes.
Avian mycotoxicosis is a hidden limiting factor in the poultry industry. It causes losses not only in terms of lost performance, but also as an immuno-suppressive agent increasing the bird’s susceptibility to diseases and mortality.
Vitamin A (VA) is key for optimal male and female reproductive performance in mammalian species. Focusing on the male, spermatozoa are particularly rich in polyunsaturated phospholipids that are extremely sensitive to oxidative attacks, and such attacks can in turn lead to lipid and protein peroxidation throughout the cell and DNA damage, which in turn leads to fragile sperm cells that have impaired sperm motility, and thus poor fertility.