The requirements in methionine and Total Sulfur Amino Acids have to be taken into account in aqua feed formulation for optimal growth performance of seabream, shrimp, pangasius among others. To fulfil this need, methionine can be provided through different sources, equally effective to promote growth performance of aqua species.
100% efficacy of OH-Methionine in seabream
Two trials were conducted on seabream in Portugal, one at CIIMAR’s Aquatic Bioterium and another at Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research at University of Porto.
The one at CIIMAR’s Aquatic Bioterium aimed to compare the growth of gilthead seabream juveniles fed experimental diets with increased levels of OH-Met.
The findings were:
- The dietary OH-Methionine requirement of gilthead sea bream juvelines to obtain 95% of the maximum response is estimated at 1.05%.
- There were no significant differences in the performance of fish fed with the two dietary methionine sources: OH-Methionine and DL-Methionine.
The second trial was performed under different temperatures to observe the impact of performance and fillet quality traits. OH-Methionine has been proved as a 100% efficient methionine source to promote growth performance of sea bream even under thermal stress.
100% efficacy of OH-Methionine in shrimp
A trial was conducted at Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Nutrition of LABOMAR, the Marine Sciences Institute of the Federal University of Ceará (Brazil) on juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei. Shrimp were reared in high density conditions, with fish meal restrained diets. Diets were fed either with OH-Methionine or DL-Methionine at Total Sulfur Amino Acids requirement.
No difference between OH-Methionine and DL-Methionine was observed on shrimp survival, on growth performances, demonstrating the equal bio-efficacy of these methionine sources in maintaining the growth performance of white leg shrimps .
100% efficacy of OH-Methionine in pangasius
A trial conducted at ShrimpVet research farms, in Vietnam compared the effect of OH-Methionine and DL-Methionine on the growth and feed utilization of Pangasius fish.
Fish were fed with supplemented treatments with increased levels of methionine with the two sources. Supplementation of Total Sulfur Amino Acids in the basal diet decreased the cost per gain, whatever the methionine source. A 1.02% TSAA level in feed not only improved Pangasisu growth performance but also reduced the cost/gain. A numeric benefit in cost/gain was obtained with OH-Methionine.
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