
AdiSodium™ Savings Calculator

Thanks to this tool, you can calculate your potential savings by using AdiSodium™ instead of another source of sodium without chloride, in your specific conditions.

First, select the source of sodium without chloride you are currently using and then enter some information in the fields below:

Equivalences between your current source of sodium without chloride and AdiSodium™ Quantity of your current source of sodium without chloride added in feed kg/ton
Feed volume produced per year ton/year
Quantity of your current source of sodium needed per year 0 Tons
AdiSodium™ need per year to replace your current source of sodium in feed* 0 Tons
Products prices Price of your current source of sodium € or $ / ton
AdiSodium™ price € or $ / ton
Costs Cost of your current source of sodium without chloride 0 € or $/year
AdiSodium™ cost 0 € or $/year
Savings with AdiSodium™ Total potential savings per year by switching to AdiSodium™ 0 € or $/year

* Basis of the calculations :

Source of sodium without chloride Sodium content (%)
Sodium bicarbonate 27
Sodium carbonate 43
Sodium sesquicarbonate 31
AdiSodium™ 32


To obtain more information about these calculations, you can contact your Sales Representative or contact us via the aside button.

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