


Lifetime performance improves when feeding rumen-protected methionine

Extensive research over the last three decades shows that feeding supplemental, encapsulated methionine increases the lifetime performance of dairy cows with the benefits first seen […]

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Methionine can lessen the negative effects of health disorders

METHIONINE is a functional amino acid, meaning that it regulates important biological functions other than just serving as a building block for proteins. For instance, […]

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30 Years On: Adisseo Emphasizes the Importance of Rumen Protected Methionine in Dairy Nutrition

January 2023 While amino acid balancing has been common practice in monogastric nutrition for decades, its mainstream adoption by the dairy industry has trailed behind. […]

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Dairy and Perks of a protein supply rethink

February 2022   There is a big opportunity to rethink how we supply protein to UK dairy cows which could reduce costs and carbon footprint […]

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Ruminant Sector Can and Must Do Better on Nitrogen Emissions

January 2022 Adisseo’s core business of providing amino acid balancing solutions to the ruminant sector gives it a unique insight into the challenges faced in […]

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Adisseo Champions Improved Amino Acid Nutrition to Help Dairy Producers Tackle Climate Challenges

October 2021   As the world faces growing climate and sustainability challenges, the demands we have placed on the modern dairy cow have followed suit. […]

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