The successful start-up of the new 180,000-ton liquid methionine plant allows Adisseo Nanjing plant becoming one of the world’s largest liquid methionine production platforms,
Disinfectants are a key tool in the fight against infectious pathogens in aquaculture. NADIS is a broad-spectrum disinfectant and virucide, based on an optimized combination […]
Adisseo promoting novel health strategies for disease prevention in aquaculture during three upcoming events in Asia (DAA – VICTAM – TARS 2022). Outbreaks of […]
Gut health is a fundamental element for the optimal growth and performance of cultured fish, while it is inextricably linked with the health of the entire organism.
Shrimp farming continues to suffer important economic losses due to the impact of diseases. Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND), caused by specific strains of Vibrio […]
Recently a new meta-analysis, result of the collaboration between UC Davis university (USA) and Adisseo, has been published in Poultry Science in April 2022: Evaluating […]
Commissioning and start-up activities have commenced at the world’s first industrial-scale FeedKind® facility