Commercial poultry production is associated with various stressors that can lead to a decrease of productive and reproductive performance in growing chickens, parent birds and […]
Liquid OH-methionine added to diets for lactating sows leads to both more fat and lactose concentration in the milk as well as a better gut […]
Source: Feedinfo News Service (dated 28/11/2016) Earlier this year Adisseo and Novozymes launched their newly developed probiotic for poultry, Alterion, on the U.S. market […]
Feed enzymes do not improve the digestible fraction of feed; rather, they target its indigestible fraction. This is where the nutritional value of feed enzymes […]
Bacillus subtilis based probiotics appear to be an efficient alternative to the use of in-feed antibiotics in poultry production. However, choosing a consistently performing strain […]
This notice intended for feed producers is presenting a labelling guideline for declaration of methionine amount in feed containing DL-HMTBA, as a methionine source. The […]
After a very good first semester, Bluestar Adisseo Company continues to generate solid results as expected in third quarter. Despite the challenging environment, it maintains operating profit margin around 30%.
Energy, protein and phosphorus account for the most important parts of the cost of feed. By using new generation enzymes, the digestibility of all nutrients […]