Plant by-products are valuable ingredients in the formulation of sustainable and cost-effective aquafeeds, particularly for species with herbivorous and omnivorous habits. However, the use of […]
Effective selenium supplementation increases the selenium status of cattle and provides optimal antioxidant protection. This ensures the performance of dairy cows and calves, […]
We are very pleased to welcome Thiago to the Aqua team! Adisseo offers a wide range of species-specific additives and services for aquaculture. This increases […]
A variety of oxidative reactions occur continuously within our cells in a dynamic environment. One common type of reaction – reduction oxidation or redox reaction– […]
Plant-based aquaculture feeds and amino acid supplementation. Fishmeal has been the preferred protein source in aquatic feed formulations, but it is becoming less available and […]
In response to the rapidly developing Covid-19 epidemic, governments around the world are strengthening preventive and precautionary measures to limit the spread of the virus and protect populations.
Michael Kidd named to Adisseo Endowed Professorship in Global Sustainable Poultry Nutrition
For the first time ever, scientists have been able to prove that commercial probiotic spores become active and grow inside the gut of birds.