In terms of formula, liquid additives offer flexibility, with producers having a choice between two product types.
Cholesterol is a critical nutrient for shrimp, mostly supplied in the feed by fish meal (FM). The use of plant proteins such as soybean meal […]
Press Release Singapore, 12 May 2022 The 13th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (13th AFAF) will be held in Taiwan as a virtual event from […]
At the occasion of Digestive Physiology for pigs congress in Rotterdam, we are sharing an full 12 page article on pig feed digestibility, with a specific focus on anti-nutritional […]
Adisseo and Entobel have agreed to initiate a R&D collaboration to better understand and enhance insect rearing performance and the nutritional requirement of insects (BSF, Black Soldier Fly).
March 2022 With animal agriculture tasked with both feeding a rapidly growing global population and sharply reducing the impact its operations have on the […]
Crude palm oil and soybean oil prices have about doubled in these last two years. These trends hurt aquafeed producers who rely heavily on lecithin […]
Article published in All About Feed | Volume 30, No. 2, 2022 For many years, the efficiency of organic selenium (Se) sources, and of […]