The product Alterion is based on beneficial bacteria that improve feed utilization
On Thursday December 10th 2015, Adisseo received a Responsible Care Award for a cogeneration plant set on its industrial platform. This trophy is a regional recognition of initiatives of the chemical industry in favor of the environment.
ORKILA Group and its partner in Animal Nutrition, ADISSEO exhibited in the poultry fair DAWAJINE 2015
Adisseo, a global leader in nutritional solutions and additives for animal feed and ont of the main subsidaries of CHINA NATIONAL BLUESTAR ( BLUESTAR), is now quoted on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
Since December 2014, Adisseo offers monitoring tools or technical solutions on its web platform, FeedSolutions
In Paris, on February 2nd, Adisseo organized its 4th « Swine conference
VIV Asia 2015 is Asia biggest biennial international trade show
VIV Asia 2015 is Asia biggest biennial international trade show