


Adisseo launched Selisseo®, the innovative antioxidant and obtained an Innovation Award (InnovSpace *** 2014)

  Selisseo® is the best organic selenium product available on the market, which combines purity, reliability, stability, ease-of-use and 100 % efficiency. This seleno-hydroxy-methionine  is […]

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Adisseo launches the Rovabio® Enzyme Clinic, a new tailor-made training in feed enzymes

Adisseo is launching the Rovabio® Enzyme Clinic, a unique tailor-made training session – a balanced mix of scientific lectures and practical exercises on how to […]

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Sodium Sulphate: a cost-effective source of sodium without chloride

To supply sodium in poultry diets, sodium sulphate is a cost-effective alternative to sodium bicarbonate with positive effects on the Dietary Electrolyte Balance (DEB) and […]

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Rovabio® is the only versatile enzyme package that optimizes the energy and amino acid digestibility of Soybean Meal.

Rovabio® contains 19 different enzyme activities that degrade a variety of non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs).  Through an extensive R&D program, Adisseo has demonstrated that the addition […]

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Adisseo held its Expertise Tour dedicated to “Business and Nutrition Tomorrow”

More than 140 participants from the feed industry, coming from 27 different countries, attended the Adisseo Expertise Tour that took place in Belle Eglise, France, […]

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The economic value of Rovabio® is all the greater as raw materials are more expensive

NSP Enzymes are known to increase the digestibility of raw materials for monogastrics, such rapeseed meals, DDGS…, offering an alternative to soyabean meals when prices […]

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Results of a survey on the nutritional value of soya bean and rapeseed meals and cereals for animal nutrition by Adisseo

  A survey on the nutritional value of soybean and rapeseed meals and wheat and corn for monogastric feeds has been conducted by Adisseo. Results […]

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Improve health management of pigs by gaining homogeneity with a versatile enzyme

Recent trials confirm that the introduction of a versatile NSP (Non-Starch Polysaccharides) enzyme in pig diets, improves performance and homogeneity of animals from weaning to slaughter. […]

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