
All forms of methionine, L-, DL- or OH-Methionine are equivalent for broiler chicken growth


An oral communication at ‘Treizièmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras’ (Tours in France, 20-21 March 2019) was performed by Dr Yves Mercier, Adisseo on this topic of methionine sources in broilers.

Please find below the abstract of this study:

​Methionine is the first limiting amino acid in poultry and must be used in broiler to ensure optimal performance. Methionine is available under different forms: DL-Methionine, L-Methionine and DL-Hydroxy-Methionine. For decades, there is debate regarding the efficacy of the different forms. This new work aims to compare these sources on a 2-by-2 basis or together in three trials and to determine their bio-efficacy. Ross PM3 broilers chickens were reared from 0 to 36 days (Trial 1 and 2) or from 0 to 42 days (Trial 3).

Growth performance data were analyzed with an ANCOVA model with the dose and the source of methionine as main variables. Results showed a significant improvement of performance (p < 0.05) with the increasing dose of Met and no significant difference between sources of methionine. Exponential models were applied on the overall weight gain to determine the relative efficacy of Met sources. DL-Methionine was found to be 100% equivalent to L-Methionine from 0 to 36 days; hydroxy-Methionine was found to be 100% equivalent to L-Methionine from 0 to 36 days.

The three sources demonstrated 100% relative efficacy when compared 2-by-2 from 0 to 42 days. The originality of this analysis was based on a model taking into account the performance according to the real sulfur acid intake. This shows that the relative efficacy of the three commercial sources of methionine is identical.