
Liquid hydroxy-methionine bio-efficacy: Why such a debate for years?


The main methionine sources available to supplement feed are: DL-Methionine in powder form and OH-Methionine in liquid form.

Scientific content and publications on the efficacy of these sources in sustaining monogastric performance are provided regularly in the literature with different conclusions. This has nurtured a debate lasting for years and demonstrates the need to perform critical analysis of every publication. For example, Schothorst Feed Research recently did a trial on broilers concluding on a lower efficacy of OH-Methionine compared to DL-Methionine, but we should keep in mind two publications released 2-3 years ago by this institute with the following conclusions: “Both HMTBA and DL-MET, when supplemented on an equimolar basis, were equally effective in improving growth performance of broilers”.

Liquid methionine producers have regularly been publishing new content and trials demonstrating the full efficacy of OH-Methionine compared to DLM (recently Adisseo has released a publication on ducks and more publications are coming on piglets, laying hens or broilers). Despite recent new scientific publications, EFSA (European Feed Safety Agency) who published an opinion of hydroxy-methionine efficacy in 2012, keeps the same in 2018.

This historical debate does not change the market trend of using more and more liquid methionine in feed formulation. The choice of methionine sources is also linked to users’ characteristics. Powder methionine is the preferred form of premixers, mineral feed, milk replacers or pet food producers and some small and mid-size feedmills, who cannot invest in a liquid solution.

Liquid methionine is perfectly suited for feedmillers and integrators, who can enjoy its benefits.

The global penetration of liquid methionine is on average 35%. However, since the launch of liquid methionine in the 80s, the market is using this source with satisfaction and at good value in formulation. In many “mature markets” (USA, Mexico, Brazil, Thailand, France, Spain etc.), which were the first to use liquid methionine in their formula, the liquid penetration is higher than 50%. On top, when we look at the specific segment of integrators and large feedmillers, this penetration often reaches 80-90%.

Other markets in Europe-Middle East, China, India & South-East Asia are increasing their use of liquid methionine, as a consequence of market concentration and increase in process automatization.

Market liquid methionine penetration has historically been limited by production capacity rather than any theoretical ceiling or product preference. Indeed, liquid methionine capacities have always been used at their maximum, meaning that the demand is higher than what producers offer. Adisseo is currently investing in a new liquid methionine plant to meet these customers’ needs. We are also committed to providing all technical information and technological support to use liquid methionine in the most efficient way and get all the benefit from it.

The decision of using a methionine source over another is then up to end-users, who will select the right product in accordance with their size, organization and their critical review of scientific evidence. That is why Adisseo is proposing both liquid and powder methionine sources.


For references: contact your sales & technical representative to discuss this topic further.