
Adisseo Bringing New Innovations to European Ruminant Market


Smartline-Adisseo Bringing New Innovations to European Ruminant Market-April 2021- Adisseo, Adisseo innovation, European ruminant market, Robert Bennett, Christophe Paulus, Smartamine M, MetaSmart, Rumen protected methionine, RumenSmart, Milk fat depression, HMTBa, Hydroxy analogue of methionine, Feed for Fat, Dairy goat nutrition, Dr. Lahlou Bahlou, Reynald Baes, Dairy cow health, Dairy cow reproduction, Amino acid balance, Feedinfo


Formulating nutritionally adequate diets using the materials at hand, whether grass or grain, has always been the challenge at the heart of dairy farming. But of course, these days, “adequate” is no longer sufficient. Today’s rations must be optimised to do more than just meet minimal requirements. Feed must enable the cow to produce more milk (sometimes with a higher fat and protein content), must boost health and reproductive outcomes, must help the farmer make ends meet in an environment of high protein prices, and must support the farm’s sustainability goals.

Keeping up with the accelerating demands placed on the sector requires well-resourced research. As one of the world’s leaders in the production and application of methionine, Adisseo has been expanding its amino acid line for ruminants; in addition to rumen-protected methionine, Smartamine® M andMetaSmart®, it is introducing RumenSmart®, a product aimed at combatting milk fat depression. Moreover, Adisseo has been dedicated to improving the range of solutions available to help dairy farmers meet these challenges—not only in dairy cattle, but also in minor dairy species such as goats. Today, Dr. Christophe Paulus, Adisseo EMEA Ruminant Business Director, and Robert Bennett, Ruminant Category Manager for Adisseo EMEA, help unpack how methionine and other products within the Adisseo portfolio can be applied within theworld of ruminants large and small asAdisseo continues to introduce innovations.

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