Adisseo & Avanti Feeds jointly contributed with Gold Sponsorship to Hatch India-2023 program happened on 28-29, September 2023 at Radisson Blu Hotel and Resorts, Visakhapatnam. The event is 1st of its kind organized by All India Shrimp Hatcheries Association (AISHA) mainly focused on Shrimp breeding, Husbandry and Nutrition. The inaugural and presidential address was given by Mr. Yellanki Ravikumar (President- AISHA Hatcheries Association).
On the genetics improvement side, Mr. Harris Wright (SIS), Elena Facchini (Hendrix Genetics) and Oscar Hennings (Benchmark Genetics) have delivered talks on selective breeding and generational improvements, Tailor- made Genetics and Genomic selections as a tool for dynamic and diverse challenges to accelerate the recovery of the shrimp industry in India. Dr. Panigrahi (ICAR-CIBA) presented genetic improvement programs of native shrimp (Indian white shrimp). On the husbandry and Nutrition side, Mr. Jef Peeters (BioMar), Mr. Eamon O’Brien (Skretting), Mr. Peter Van Wyk (Zeiglers Bros, Inc) delivered talks on Best practices and Nutrition required for producing healthy and disease resistant post larvae.
There were more than 16 eminent speakers from different parts of the world emphasizing the role of hatcheries in the success and future of the Indian shrimp industry and each session was followed by panel discussions. More than 300 participants from different feed companies (Avanti, CP India, Grobest, Growel, Skretting and Deepak Nexgen), Feed additive companies and big farmers participated.

Mr. Dhanunjaya Goud, Adisseo ISC and Mr. Alluri Venkata Sanjeev (Director- Avanti feeds) receiving memento from Mr. Ravikumar Yellanki, AISHA-President

Participants in Hatch India 2023

Dr. Indrakumar Alluri (CMD-Avanti Feeds) was heartly welcomed by MR. Ravilumar Yellanki, President-AISHA