
Microvit® User’s Guide



Pure vitamins are generally not suitable for direct use, and must be processed to ensure their efficacy. That is to say, the biological efficacy of the vitamin products is a determining factor in the performance of premixes and feeds.
In order to accurately assess and utilize the vitamins products for the premix and feed manufacturers, a practical tool for evaluating the properties and quality of vitamins in feed has been developed by Adisseo.

Microvit® User’s Guide includes three major parts :
General information on vitamins, including molecules, products, production, processes and formulations.
Methods for measuring and interpreting the quality parameters of vitamin products.
Recommendations for using vitamin products in premixes and feed plants.

The method for evaluation is based on several criteria of technological efficiency: ease of use, mixability, stability and solubility. This guide presents the definition and the means of measuring the parameters for these criteria. It also recommends methods to interpret the results for specific production objectives.

For more information about our vitamin products, check out our Microvit page here.

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