
Selisseo® videos to explain what is Adisseo Selenium all about!


Minute Selisseo® #1/4
Pierre-André GERAERT, Marketing & Scientific Director of Adisseo, explains the genesis of Selisseo®, a pure form of organic selenium. What led Adisseo to work on antioxidants? Why hydroxy-selenomethionine? To obtain answers to these questions, listen to the explanations of Pierre-André!


Minute Selisseo® #2/4
Michele DE MARCO, Global Technical & Scientific support of Selisseo®, describes the origin of oxidative stress in livestock farming and its lipid peroxidation, protein and DNA oxidation effect on the organism, which leads to a decrease in performance. Michele explains how Selisseo® helps overcome oxidative stress.


Minute Selisseo® #3/4
Is Selisseo® available in powder and/or in liquid form? What about its chemical form and its stability when processed? To obtain answers to these questions, listen to the explanations of Anne Sophie Conjat, Global Business Manager of Selisseo® at Adisseo.


Minute Selisseo® #4/4
Garros Fontinhas, the South American Regional Business Coordinator, is talking about the different sources of selenium that are currently available to feed animals. He explains the benefits of OH-SeMet (Selisseo®) in terms of absorption, deposition and the formation of selenoproteins. A heat challenge? Check the explanation of Garros to see how Selisseo® can alleviate the decrease in performance.