
Blockbuster: Super Methiopedia in Chinese is coming!


Sept. 24, 2019, Chengdu, China — Adisseo METHIOPEDIA conference was successfully held in Sichuan Agricultural University



In 2013, Adisseo published the first edition of METHIOPEDIA, the technical reference book of Methionine. Five years after the release of the first edition, the second edition not only provides a complete introduction to the effective forms of methionine, describing the characteristics of each source, but also incorporates new experimental results and analysis of nutritional and technical aspects. This is the first time the book has been published in Chinese language: 《蛋氨酸百科全书》.

Professor Wu De, vice president of Sichuan Agricultural University, pointed out that METHIOPEDIA is an indispensable reference book for animal nutrition workers, which systematically elaborates the important role of methionine in animal nutrition and the research results.

Professor Wu also introduced that the institute of animal nutrition of Sichuan Agricultural University and Adisseo have a three-year cooperation project. The “nutrition and health research center” built with this collaboration has achieved fruitful results in animal nutrition and health, emissions reduction and alternative feeding with antibiotics, and other fields. He hopes that cooperation can lead to more continuous innovation, to build the model of “industry-university-institute” cooperation and promote the development of internationalization of animal nutrition disciplines.


Professor Wu De, Vice President of Sichuan Agricultural University



Professor Yu Bing, director of animal nutrition institute of Sichuan Agricultural University, who presided over the press conference


Professor Fang Zhengfeng in Sichuan Agricultural University introduced the progress of the research cooperation project between Adisseo and Sichuan Agricultural University in detail. In 2017, Adisseo invested 7.5 million yuan for 3 years, with Sichuan Agricultural University to build “nutrition and health research center”. In 2018-2019, “nutrition and health research center” conducts in-depth research around the organic selenium, methionine, low protein diet, intestinal health, diet nutrition during lactation, etc. On hot topics, it believes that with the development of the research, there will be more valuable content with academia and industry colleagues to share.


Professor Fang Zhengfeng, Sichuan Agricultural University


Dr. Ma Teng, Adisseo China key account manager, gives information about the methionine market and the wide use of liquid OH-methionine in some areas like North America or Brazil. At present, Adisseo has the plant in Nanjing producing liquid OH-methionine and is building a new production line with an annual production capacity of 180,000 tons of liquid OH-methionine.


Dr. Ma Teng, Adisseo China key account manager


Dr. Yang Yuxiang, Adisseo China Rhodimet technical manager, introduced in detail the content of METHIOPEDIA, including the types of different methionine products on the market, the animal’s absorption, transport mechanism of methionine, different methionine sources utilization in protein synthesis and the relative efficacy, the role of methionine beyond source of protein synthesis and adding process technology.

Dr. Yang Yuxiang pointed out that from the production process point of view, methionine technical threshold is very high. Adisseo group is not only a manufacturing enterprise, but also a provider of animal nutrition solutions, so the company attaches great importance to research.


Dr. Yang Yuxiang, Adisseo China Rhodimet technical manager