
Adisafe: a 9-axis safety program


Adisseo makes people health and safety its priorities. We are convinced that all accidents can be avoided; thus, each of our industrial sites has a safety and prevention program. 

This is part of a common and shared safety culture, which we constantly focus on. 

We are aware that safety can never be taken for granted. That is why our collaborators work every day to find ways to improve and solutions to allow their colleagues to work in a safe environment. 

On the Roches-Roussillon and Bayonne sites, Adisafe program counts 9 axes bringing together all the practices and knowledge regarding Adisseo safety culture. 

Adisafe is at the service of employees to give them access to many documents, rules and procedures, basics and safety essentials, to reach our ultimate “zero accidents” goal. Among the 9 items established thru an initial diagnostic, is to raise awareness of all employees by an integrated safety culture and contingency management. 

Working groups made up of employees from all departments and hierarchical levels regularly share their experiences, suggestions and efforts in order to find better solutions through a global vision shared by all. 

Our ambition is to enable each employee to develop their skills regarding ​​safety, to know their roles and responsibilities in the face of a dangerous situation and to adopt the safest behaviors daily.