
Dairy Nutritionists to Focus on Functional amino acids at upcoming Adisseo Wine & Cheese Social


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Alpharetta, GA (June 2018)

Functional amino acids and the role of lysine and methionine in dairy cow metabolism will be the focus of Professor Guoyao Wu, Texas A&M, when he speaks at the Adisseo 2018 Wine and Cheese Social on Tuesday, June 26, at 6 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Knoxville, TN. Dr. Wu is a University Distinguished Professor and one of the Most Cited Authors worldwide. The wine and cheese social is held in conjunction with the 2018 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) annual meeting.

Dr. Wu has proposed two new concepts that are transforming global livestock feeding: “Functional amino acids” and “Dietary requirements of synthesizable amino acids by animals.”

The 2018 wine and cheese social will be the 12th year in a row for this traditional meeting of dairy nutrition thought leaders. The goal is for the presentation to challenge the audience to think a step ahead of currently accepted knowledge. The expanding number of attendees and lively interactions testify to how well received the wine and cheese topics continue to be.

To attend the Adisseo 2018 ADSA Wine and Cheese Social, email

 Dr Wu Dr Wu.