The MycoMan® mobile app is a perfect tool to practically manage the negative effects of moulds and mycotoxins. On the basis of the analysis of the main mycotoxin levels, the app shows you directly how serious the impact on the animal will be, which Adisseo product is most appropriate, and what dosage is required. You will then receive a full report of your analysis by e-mail, enabling you to make the right decision on-the-spot.
Thanks to our customers’ feedback, our trials and collaborations with universities, we have extensive practical knowledge about the mycotoxin levels and the related symptoms in various animal species. MycoMan® assesses the mycotoxin level in the feed ingredients and in finished feed and confidently advises whether there is a low, medium, high or a critical mycotoxin challenge to the performance and health of specific groups of animals.
Following the risk assessment, MycoMan® provides a recommendation regarding the application of mycotoxin deactivators. Furthermore, a new part called “mycotoxin ID card” give in a concise way the most important data related to each mycotoxin family including some practical tricks to better manage the mycotoxin risk at field, storage, feed mill and animal level. MycoMan® helps you to make the best decision about the application of a mycotoxin deactivator and, therefore, to ensure a cost-effective management of the mycotoxin risk.
Return on investment in mycotoxin management is all about the right action at the right moment. Mycotoxin risk is an ever-present and ever-changing risk. Precision farming is needed to avoid paying expensive mycotoxin deactivator that are not needed, or, having an under-protected animal and impair performance. MycoMan® enables you to make the right decision on-the-spot.
Launched in 2016, MycoMan® was a pioneer app in assessing mycotoxin risk. Four years later, Adisseo is back with a 2.0 version with a better customer experience, updated data and new functionalities!
Mycoman® is currently available for free online from Android Play Store (Google) and iOS (App store). Validation from your local Adisseo adviser is needed to complete the subscription. If you do not yet have contact with Adisseo, please contact