Latest Aqua News
- New scientific study demonstrates the efficacy of different functional additive strategies to reduce the severity of TiLV and Aeromonas coinfection in tilapiaTilapia lake virus (TiLV) and Aeromonas have emerged as significant causes of tilapia mortality in recent years. These pathogens are frequently found coinfecting tilapia and causing severe infections in field conditions. A new peer-reviewed study by Katsetsart University and Adisseo shows how different feed additive supplementation strategies based on combinations Read more
- NEW ARTICLE demonstrates Aqualyso® as a cost-effective alternative to lecithin in shrimp feeds.A recent study has shown that the LPL-based additive AQUALYSO® can fully replace lecithin in shrimp feeds, offering a cost-effective solution for the industry. Lecithin, valued for its high phospholipid content, is essential for shrimp growth by supporting nutrient absorption, but its fluctuating cost and availability present challenges for feed Read more
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