
Sustainability, the Adisseo Way

Sustainability at the heart of Adisseo's strategy

Sustainability at the heart of Adisseo's strategy

Adisseo is deeply focused on sustainability in animal farming, as it contributes significantly to greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions. This accounts for approximately 14.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions and 60% of ammonia emissions (FAO and Eurostat).Our ambitious goals include placing sustainability at the core of our strategy, aligning the reduction of our environmental footprint with the COP 21 Paris Agreement, adopting reference methodologies like the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to measure and improve the impact of our products on the environment and providing solutions to our customers’ to achieve their own sustainability objectives.

Our nutritional solutions actively reduce the environmental impact of animal production, aligning with our commitments to environmental responsibility throughout the value chain.

Adisseo's high self-standards to reduce environmental impact
Adisseo's high self-standards to reduce environmental impact

Adisseo's high self-standards to reduce environmental impact

Adisseo is steadfast in its commitments, extending them across various levels of its operations:

• At the manufacturing level, the company has commitments to reduce environmental footprint and implements new practices aiming to reducing water and electricity consumption with follow-up on progress and gains.
✔ More info on our “environmental sustainable activity”


• Additionally, Adisseo makes commitments internally, offering training and awareness programs to its employees, aligning with a sustainable corporate social responsibility approach. This comprehensive commitment strategy underscores Adisseo’s holistic approach to sustainability across its operations, research and workforce.
✔ More info on our social responsibility


• Adisseo’s engagement extend to its Research Centers like the European Labs
for Innovation, Science & Expertise (ELISE) who exemplify this dedication, serving as both innovation hubs and educational platforms for sustainable animal farming practices.

ELISE Center is the Adisseo’s latest triumph in Lyon’s Chemical Valley, where sustainability meets innovation head-on. The lab incorporates low-carbon concrete and eco-friendly landscaping, setting new benchmarks for environmental responsibility. With features like rainwater harvesting and green roofs, the ELISE center optimizes resources while minimizing ecological impact. This architectural marvel, boasting laboratories and office space across three floors and an attic, epitomizes our commitment to sustainable progress.
GHG emissions intensity (scope 1+2) between 2015-2023

water intensity between 2015-2023

energy intensity between 2015-2023

of Adisseo Sales & Marketing teams have been trained on sustainability and LCA fundamentals

Sustainable Development report

Sustainable Development report


Click on the image to access Adisseo’s latest report related to Sustainable Development. This report shows Adisseo’s progress and contributions to important topics related to Sustainable Development like Safety, Sustainable Growth, Social Responsibility and Environment.

Life Cycle Assessment as a science-based fundamental

Life Cycle Assessment as a science-based fundamental

• Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a vital tool for evaluating the environmental impact of animal nutrition and feed production processes. LCA enables customers to identify and optimize environmental hotspots across the entire life cycle of animal feeds, from raw material extraction to consumption.

• By integrating LCA, the benefits for Adisseo is to analyze the impact of its products on the environment, adapt and improve the process to meet the rising demand for sustainable products.

• The benefits for our customers include enhanced environmental responsibility, operational efficiency and improved market competitiveness through sustainable practices.

Adisseo as a leader in animal nutrition recognizes the importance of LCA in promoting sustainability and provides:
» Innovative, sustainable solutions in animal nutrition contributing to the reduction of environmental footprints.
» A specialized expertise to assist customers in conducting tailored LCAs.

Through collaborative partnerships, Adisseo works closely with clients to implement strategies aligning with environmental goals and overall sustainability objectives.

LCA was established for 15 products in 2023 and these products cover 75% of Adisseo business

In 2024, we plan to realize the LCA of other products to cover ideally 95% of our business

LCAs for all methionine sources are completed (both monogastric and ruminant)

of Vitamins business is covered by LCA

Sustainable nutritional value chain
Sustainable nutritional value chain

Sustainable nutritional value chain

Adisseo’s nutritional solutions play a pivotal role in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions through optimized feed strategies. Our solutions target key aspects such as enhancing feed efficiency, reducing excretion and promoting animal health leading to lower carbon footprints.

• Reformulation of the feed
With the inclusion of Adisseo nutritional solutions in the formula, better use of alternative feedstuffs can be obtained.
✔ Enzymes, amino acids, palatants​, NIR analysis


• Improvement of feed efficiency
Maximizing feed efficiency means that less feed is required to produce the same weight of animals, which saves resources. Some feed additives help to extract more nutrients from feeds, helping animals to sustain their growth.
✔ Enzymes


• Reduction of the excretion
The reduction of excretion is a key topic, with implications for eutrophication, acidification and global warming potential. Adisseo nutritional solutions can help to decrease nitrogen, phosphorus excretion or ammonia volatilization.​
✔ Enzymes, amino acids, sodium sulfate


• Better animal resilience
By prioritizing the health of livestock and aquaculture, our solutions result in fewer sick animals, decreased mortality rates, improved fertility, increased longevity, ultimately enhancing the overall well-being of the animals and their efficiency.
✔ Probiotics, selenium, vitamins, butyrate, mycotoxin deactivators, amino acids


More info on our sustainable solutions

Our sustainable solutions

Essential Nutrients

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Feed Digestibility

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Health By Nutrition

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Mycotoxin Management

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Feed Preservation

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In today’s rapidly evolving agricultural landscape, Adisseo stands as a beacon of sustainable innovation and responsibility, redefining the standards of animal nutrition and health:

• Commitment to Environmental Responsibility: Adisseo is dedicated to sustainability in animal farming, aligning with global agreements like the Paris Agreement.

• LCA as a company fundamental: We integrate sustainability into our core strategy, employing methodologies like Life Cycle Assessment to measure and improve our environmental impact.

• Value Chain Orientation with sustainable solutions offer: Our sustainable solutions optimize the entire value chain of animal nutrition, from feed formulation to animal resilience.

In essence, sustainability is at the heart of Adisseo’s operations, driving innovation and responsibility for a sustainable future in animal nutrition and health.

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